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Incheon Startup Park Boom Up Festival will be held

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2021-12-15 Views1050

On November 30, 2021 (Tuesday), the Incheon Startup Park Boomup Festival was held. Boomup Festival 2021, which was held under the slogan of "changing the world with innovation," also introduced a three-dimensional virtual space, the Metabus platform. Incheon Startup Park is Korea's first public-private partnership start-up cluster located in Songdo International City and is the largest startup support space in Korea to foster 4th industrial revolution technology base such as artificial intelligence and bio-convergence innovation companies. So far, 432 startups have been fostered, 72 demonstration support, and 67.2 billion won in investment attraction, and four categories have been selected as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups Challenge K-Startup Awards, 2021 Baby Unicorn, and CES 2022 Innovation Awards.