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Incheon Metropolitan City Signs Business Agreement for the Sustainable Growth of Start-ups

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2022-04-29 Views1168

On April 28, 2022 (Thursday), IFEZ signed a business agreement with start-up childcare institutions in Incheon Metropolitan City for the sustainable growth of startups. The signing ceremony includes Incheon Techno Park, Incheon Branch of the Korea SMEs and Startups Agency, Incheon Creative Economy Innovation Center, Korea Environmental Industry Technology Institute, Incheon University (Startup Support Group), Inha University (Startup Support Group), and future services. Under this agreement, startups will grow and support by establishing a cooperative system to support sustainable growth of promising startups in △ Incheon, supporting programs to foster promising startups, △ linking Incheon Startup Park programs for sustainable growth of young startups.