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DGFEZ Held Innovation Ecosystem Creation Project Overall Workshop

  • writer Daegu-Gyeongbuk (DGFEZ)
    Date2022-06-13 Views907

On the 19th, a workshop was held at the Daegu Marriott Hotel with the K-MEDI hub.

This workshop was attended by 14 public institutions and local support organizations in the Sinseo Meditech District. Participants shared the achievements of innovation ecosystem creation projects and discussed ways to foster the local medical industry in general.

At the event, active discussions were held on ways to foster the local medical industry, such as discovering an agenda for the convergence of medical technology in the Sinseo Meditech District and ICT technology in the Suseong Medical District, and seeking ways to upgrade the medical industry support system.

DGFEZ Commissioner Sam Ryong Choi also delivered a message of anticipation, hoping that it will serve as an opportunity for active linkage and cooperation between related organizations.