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2022 DGFEZ Thailand and Indonesia Video Export Conference

  • writer Daegu-Gyeongbuk (DGFEZ)
    Date2022-06-13 Views951

DGFEZ held the Online Video Export Consultation with Thailand and Indonesia for two days from
May 30th (Mon) to 31st (Tuesday) to support its resident companies who had been suffered from COVID-19 by developing overseas markets.​

In this video export conference, 10 companies including Seyeon Food in Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone, and 70 overseas buyers from Thailand and Indonesia participated. And it was held in real time between overseas buyers, participating companies, and interpreters.

Throughout the whole event, DGFEZ's resident companies actively promoted their technologies and products to Thai and Indonesian buyers. Based on a number of meetings and explorations of export opportunities, the participants would plan to take a step closer to entering the Thai and Indonesian markets.

Through this conference, DGFEZ plans to actively support the overseas expansion of companies participating in the conference through continuous follow-up management and follow-up support so that it can lead to actual contracts in the future.

DGFEZ plans to provide unsparing support from various angles so that tenants are satisfied and can be of practical help to the companies, while continuing direct investment and business support activities overseas
through continuous video export conferences.