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Announcement of Investment Strategy in the Year 2023

  • writer Daegu-Gyeongbuk (DGFEZ)
    Date2023-02-25 Views732

On February 23, DGFEZ announced its goal of the year and held a meeting to share the idea with its employees. DGFEZ established four major investment strategies to achieve its goal of $33 million in foreign investment.


1) Attracting Focus on the Three Key Strategic Industries
2) Promotion of IR to attract investment at home and abroad
3) Establishment of professional development and support system
4) Personalized promotion drive

DGFEZ's three core strategic industries consist of future industries with high policy contributions in Daegu city and Gyeongsangbuk-do province, which are:
ICT & Robot industry
Medical & Biotech industry
Future mobility industry

In addition to linking with policy projects of local governments, DGFEZ plans to carefully establish investment strategies such as expanding infrastructure in eight investment districts, attracting anchor companies and finding related target companies, and establishing a solid investment attraction support system.

Through systematic and strategic investment attraction activities, we will provide support and efforts to help promising global companies invest in Daegu city and Gyeongsangbuk-do province.