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The Fukuoka SME Association Visited DGFEZ

  • writer Daegu-Gyeongbuk (DGFEZ)
    Date2023-05-26 Views731

The Fukuoka Association of Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurs visited DGFEZ from May 24th to 26th, 2023. The Japanese delegation consists of 12 companies and Mr. Shigeyuki Suzuki, DGFEZ's foreign investment advisor.

Date : May 24(Wed) ~ 26(Fri)

Place : DGFEZ investment districts(Suseong, Gyeongsan), DIP, DGFEZ companies, etc.
Participants : 12 Fukuoka SME Association member companies, and 5 DGFEZ companies
Program :
 • On-site inspection tour of Suseong Medical District and Gyeongsan Knowledge Industry District

 • Visiting DGFEZ tenant companies
 • Investment briefing sessions at DIP
 • Networking between Korean and Japanese companies