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DAL-BIT(Moonlight) Festival Park Songdo Dog Park Meeting Held

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2023-06-26 Views683

On June 21, 2023 (Wednesday), IFEZ held a meeting at the DAL-BIT(Moonlight) Festival Park Songdo Dog Park. The meeting was held at the DAL-BIT(Moonlight) Festival Park Songdo Dog Park, which opened in April 2019, to listen to residents' opinions such as dog etiquette and civil complaints in order to establish and revitalize the right dog culture at a time when the cumulative number of visitors reached more than 100,000. At the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the installation of shade screens in Dog Park, improvement of drainage defects for dogs, store installation, online reservation and use inconvenience, summer extension operation, and waste bag maintenance.