Consumer Goods Industry Activation Seminar
writer Daegu-Gyeongbuk (DGFEZ)Date2023-10-20 Views702
DGFEZ held a seminar at the Grand Hotel Daegu on October 19 with the theme The Future and Growth of the Consumer Goods Industry to revitalize the industry.
The seminar aimed to promote corporate innovation and enhance domestic and foreign market competitiveness.
The Daegu and Gyeongbuk region boasts a rich industrial, academic, and research infrastructure related to consumer goods, with over 1,500 consumer goods businesses.
The Gyeongsan Knowledge Industry district, especially, is poised to stimulate the local optical industry and invigorate the region by establishing a 151,000㎡ fashion technology convergence complex and actively attracting eyewear-related companies.
[Seminar Program]
▶ Global Business Environment and Overseas Market Trends (Professor Yong-joon Choi, Andong National University)
▶ The Significance of Nurturing Corporate Brands (Seong-hwan Yeo, CEO of Korea Management Lab)
▶ Domestic and Foreign Economic Trends (Cheolhyeong Lee, Vice President of KB Securities)
