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ESG Education Seminar for DGFEZ Tenants

  • writer Daegu-Gyeongbuk (DGFEZ)
    Date2023-11-08 Views655

DGFEZ hosted an ESG Education Seminar at the Grand Hotel Daegu on November 3rd for its tenant companies.

The seminar was attended by numerous business owners operating within DGFEZ. During the lectures on ESG management, entrepreneurs' attitudes, and strategies for conducting governmental projects, participants had a valuable opportunity to enhance their capabilities.

Following the seminar, there was a session for field feedback through industry-research-government exchanges. In particular, by closely examining domestic and international ESG trends and challenges in promoting ESG management, it provided practical assistance for tenant companies in developing specific action plans.

In 2023, apart from today’s event, DGFEZ has planned to promote ESG management. In May, a special lecture was held to introduce the latest global ESG trends to tenant companies. Additionally, DGFEZ will start a new supporting program next year, referred to as the ‘ESG Management Consulting Project’ for the tenant companies interested in or looking to implement ESG management.