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To foster global talent and contribute to the Local Society Memorandum of Understanding Concerning IGC Youth Mentoship

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2023-12-14 Views604

On December 11, 2023, (Monday), IFEZ, the Incheon Metropolitan City Council, the Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education, the Incheon Global Campus Operation Foundation, and IGC resident universities signed an agreement on IGC youth mentoring to foster global talent and contribute to the community. The youth mentoring program is for IGC university students as mentors to provide mentoring activities, including subject learning guidance, school life and career counseling, to youths in the original city center of Incheon Metropolitan City. The IGC Steering Foundation oversees the operation of the program, and IGC resident universities support the selection of college student mentors. The Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education promotes the program and conducts a satisfaction survey, the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority provides administrative and financial support, and the Incheon Metropolitan Council provides incentives for participating mentors, respectively.